Their Shenzhou-12 craft connected withthespace station moduleabout six hours after taking offfrom the Jiuquan launch center on the edge ofthe Gobi Desert.
About three hours later, commander Nie Haisheng, 56, followed byLiu Boming, 54, and space rookieTang Hongbo, 45, opened the hatchesand floated intothe Tianhe-1 core living module. Pictures showed them busy at work unpacking equipment.
大约3个小时后,56岁的指挥官聂海胜、54岁的刘伯明和45岁的太空新手汤洪波打开舱门,进入天和一号核心生活舱。照片显示,他们正忙着拆包装设备。短短的两段话中,有两个很值得记忆的典型的熟词生义的单词。1. space station module和living module,分别是“宇宙空间站核心舱”和“生活舱”的意思,两个短语中,有一个共同的核心词module,学过外研版英语教材的同学肯定对这个单词不陌生,它用在教材中,是“(教育)单元”的意思。
如:The course consists of ten core modulesand five optional modules.
这门课程包括十个必修单元和五个选修单元。These courses cover a twelve-week period and are organised into three four-week modules.这些课程要上12周,分为3个单元,每单元4周。此处的module在双语文段中是“(宇宙飞船上各个独立的)舱”的意思。如:the lunar module登月舱
A rescue plan could be achieved by sending an unmanned moduleto the space station.可以通过向太空站发射无人太空舱来实现救援计划。They have docked a robot modulealongside the orbiting space station他们已经将一个自动操作舱与沿轨道运行的空间站并行对接上了。2. hatch在双语文段中也出现了一个熟词生义,“舱门”。它作为动词的意思最为我们熟知,“(小鸟、小鱼、小虫等)孵出;出壳;使(小鸟、小鱼、小虫等)孵出”。
Ten chicks hatched (out)this morning.
今早有十只小鸡出壳了。The female must find a warm place to hatch her eggs.母的必须找个温暖的地方孵蛋。hatch在双语文段中是名词,“(飞机或宇宙飞船的)舱门”的意思,如:
an escapehatch紧急出口He stuck his head up through thehatch...他从舱口探出头来……值得一提的是,大家知道餐厅的传菜窗口用英语怎么说吗?居然也是hatch!如:
a servinghatch传递饭菜的窗口
There’s a hatchbetween the kitchen and dining room for serving food.厨房和餐室之间有一个传送饭菜的窗口。奇妙的熟词生义~~