
The Link Your Class
The Link of Requirements of This Assignment
TeamName04-QG Let me fly
GitHub link

  • I.Summarize and Think
    • 1.Summarize the previous work
    • 2.Record the defense opinions
    • 3.Improvement plans
  • II.GitHub repository

I.Summarize and Think 1.Summarize the previous work

  In the previous work, we completed the initial planning of the project, made the video of attracting investment, and designed the functions of each module. Each member had the practice of uml diagram. We also set the pace of the project, which made it easier for us to complete.

2.Record the defense opinions

There are two questions in the defense
  The students asked about our fund trading mode and whether we need to register accounts of various brokerages.
  A: Our current plan is only to create a tool website. The buying and selling of funds in the website need to be carried out by individual investors after the completion of the trade, and there is no connection with the brokerage.
The teacher asked about our technical bottlenecks
  A: Our technical bottleneck lies in the accuracy of the net value prediction model of the fund. At present, our technical level cannot reach a high accuracy.

3.Improvement plans
Team MembersRolework
Li LiangkaileaderPlan and summary writing ,LSTM model and client development
Qing QiguoCTOWebsite full stack development
Tang ZijunCode developerspring blog Writing ,Database
Ma YujunCode developerPPT Making ,Data acquisition
Xue FeiyangCode developerspring blog Writing ,Database
An YiMarketing managerPPT Making ,Data acquisition
Peng HaitaoPM(product manager)spring blog Writing ,test,Video
Li xingUI designerspring blog Writing ,Front-end development,Video
Li Haocustomer managerPPT Making ,Website Deployment
Zhou Zijuncustomer managerPPT Making ,Website Deployment
II.GitHub repository

