
如何理解Java项目构建系统Apache Buildr 1.4.22 ,相信很多没有经验的人对此束手无策,为此本文总结了问题出现的原因和解决方法,通过这篇文章希望你能解决这个问题。







3、支持Hibernate XDoclet和Schema任务



Apache Buildr 1.4.22 发布,此版本更新内容如下:

* Change: BUILDR-704 - Updated the Sonar addon to support the latest version  of SonarQube Runner. Submitted by Ross Mahony. * Added: Add support for  ipr.add_glassfish_remote_configuration method that generates a remote glassfish  configuration in IntelliJ IDEA project files. * Added: Add support for  iml.prefix and ipr.prefix settings that prefix the generated IntelliJ IDEA  project and module files. * Change: Update the buildr gemspec so that rspec is  no longer a required dependency. This enables end-users to use a different  version of rspec and buildr in the same project. The rspec version MUST be be  compatible with the version used by Buildr if rspec features are used from  within Buildr. Buildr also issues a warning if the `check` method is called and  rspec has not been loaded. The warning includes directions on how to resolve the  issue. Submitted by r6p. * Fixed: A long standing bug existed such that if tests  failed to compile, and the option Buildr.options.test is set to :all then the  compilation error would not result in a failed build. As many people set the  Buildr.options.test to :all in their continuous delivery/integration tools, this  has caused some problems. This has been fixed by ensuring all the problems  associated with the resolving the prerequisites are not caught when  Buildr.options.test is set to :all. * Change: Update checkstyle to 6.1.1.  Submitted by neher. * Fixed: Avoid empty dependency issue in gwt addon if the  attempting to gwt compile a project that has no src/main/java. * Fixed: Support  dependencies in the gwt addon that are other local projects rather that  artifacts, without forcing a compilation of dependency when parsing buildfile. *  Added: Support configuration of sql dialect mapping in IDEA generated project  files through methods on the ipr extension ipr.mssql_dialect_mapping,  ipr.postgres_dialect_mapping and ipr.sql_dialect_mappings * Added: Support  specification of the target project to which the gwt compilation artifacts are  added as an asset, by using :target_project option.Thanks!

The Apache Buildr Team

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