1.master和docker节点上分别安装好puppet master和puppet agent;
mkdir -p /etc/puppet/modules/docker/{manifests,files,templates} vi /etc/puppet/modules/docker/manifests/init.pp #编写docker类 class docker { exec { "dockerlaunch" : command => "/usr/bin/docker run -d -p 1000:5000 --name webbase training/webapp python app.py && /usr/bin/docker run -d -p 2000:5000 --name web1 --link webbase:webbase training/webapp python app.py", } exec { "dockerlogs" : command => "/bin/mkdir -p /var/log/dockerlaunch && /usr/bin/docker inspect webbase >> /var/log/dockerlaunch/webbase.log && /usr/bin/docker inspect web1 >> /var/log/dockerlaunch/web1.log", } file { "/root/status.log" : ensure => file, mode => '740', content => "docker container is running:webbase and web1 please use broswer access the ip address of docker.hzg.com and the 1000 or the 2000 port.You can use the control.sh script help you to manage the container", } file { "/root/control.sh" : ensure => file, mode => '1777', source => "puppet:///modules/docker/control.sh", } notify { "Docker container is running on node $fqdn !": } }
vi control.sh #脚本如下 #!/bin/bash #used for access the specific container #written by Hochikong while true do { read -p "What you want to do?try input 'help' to get some tips(please input the words in ''): " what if [ $what = 'help' ]; then echo "################################################################################################################################"; echo " The helping information about this script "; echo "################################################################################################################################"; echo "COMMAND INFO "; echo "################################################################################################################################"; echo "'status' get the info about the running containers. "; echo "'access' access the specific contianer. "; echo "'manage' manage the contianer,such as 'start','stop' and 'delete'. "; echo "'exit' exit this script. "; echo "'statusa' show the infomation about all containers. "; echo "'statusl' show the latest infomation about container. "; echo "################################################################################################################################"; echo "MAINCOMMAND SUBCOMMAND INFO "; echo "################################################################################################################################"; echo "'manage' 'start' launch a exist contianer "; echo "'manage' 'stop' stop a running container "; echo "'manage' 'delete' detele a not-running container "; echo "'manage' 'status' get the info about the running containers "; echo "'manage' 'statusa' show the infomation about all containers. "; echo "'manage' 'statusl' show the latest infomation about container. "; echo "################################################################################################################################"; fi if [ $what = 'status' ]; then echo "The running containers are:\n"; docker ps; fi if [ $what = 'statusa' ]; then echo "All containers's status:\n"; docker ps -a; fi if [ $what = 'statusl' ]; then echo "The latest infomation about containers:\n"; docker ps -l; fi if [ $what = 'access' ]; then read -p "Please input the specific container's name:" name; CPID=$(docker inspect --format '{{.State.Pid}}' $name); nsenter --target $CPID --mount --uts --ipc --net --pid; fi if [ $what = 'manage' ]; then while true do { read -p "Please input the container name which you want to manage,or 'exit',or 'help'?: " name2; if [ $name2 = 'help' ]; then echo "#############################################################################################################"; echo " SUBCOMMAND INFO "; echo "#############################################################################################################"; echo " 'start' launch a exist contianer "; echo " 'stop' stop a running container "; echo " 'delete' detele a not-running container "; echo " 'status' get the info about the running containers "; echo " 'statusa' show the infomation about all containers. "; echo " 'statusl' show the latest infomation about container. "; echo "#############################################################################################################"; break; fi if [ $name2 = 'status' ]; then echo "Running container:"; docker ps;continue; fi if [ $name2 = 'exit' ]; then echo "Exiting"; break; fi if [ $name2 = 'statusa' ]; then echo "All infomation about containers:\n"; docker ps -a;continue; elif [ $name2 = 'statusl' ]; then echo "The latest infomation about containers:\n"; docker ps -l;continue; fi read -p "Do you want to 'start' or 'stop' or 'delete' your container?: " what2; if [ $what2 = 'start' ]; then echo "Notice:Please make sure this container is not running"; docker start $name2;continue elif [ $what2 = 'stop' ]; then echo "Notice:container is stopping"; docker stop $name2;continue; elif [ $what2 = 'delete' ]; then echo "Notice:You cannot delete a running container,if the container is running,please stop it first!"; docker rm $name2;continue; else echo "Error:Command Error,no such command!";continue; fi } done fi if [ $what = 'exit' ]; then exit; fi } done
node 'docker.hzg.com' { include docker }
import "nodes/docker.hzg.com.pp"
[files] path /etc/puppet/files allow docker.hzg.com # allow *.example.com # deny *.evil.example.com # allow [files] path /etc/puppet/modules allow *.hzg.com
modulepath = /etc/puppet/modules
PS:因为我使用puppet kick实现配置,要为agent做点配置工作:
listen = true
root@workgroup:~# puppet kick docker.hzg.com Warning: Puppet kick is deprecated. See http://links.puppetlabs.com/puppet-kick-deprecation Warning: Failed to load ruby LDAP library. LDAP functionality will not be available Triggering docker.hzg.com Getting status status is success docker.hzg.com finished with exit code 0 Finished
root@docker:~# ls BACKUPDockerfile control.sh Dockerfile hzg.sh init.pp status.log test2.sh test.py util-linux-2.24 root@docker:~# cd /var/log/dockerlaunch/ root@docker:/var/log/dockerlaunch# ls web1.log webbase.log root@docker:/var/log/dockerlaunch# cd ~ root@docker:~# docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 050ebb07cf25 training/webapp:latest "python app.py" About a minute ago Up About a minute>5000/tcp web1 0ef5d56e4c89 training/webapp:latest "python app.py" About a minute ago Up About a minute>5000/tcp web1/webbase,webbase