
Oracle Lead/Last函数


1.   Syntax

Oracle Lead/Last函数



FIRST and LAST are very similar functions.Both are aggregate and analytic functions that operate on a set of values froma set of rows that rank as the FIRST or LAST withrespect to a given sorting specification. If only one row ranks as FIRSTor LAST, then the aggregate operates on the set with only one element.


If you omit the OVERclause, then the FIRST and LAST functions are treated as aggregate functions. You can use thesefunctions as analytic functions by specifying the OVER clause. Thequery_partition_clause is the only part of the OVER clause valid with thesefunctions. If you include the OVER clause but omit thequery_partition_clause, then the function is treated as an analytic function, but the window defined for analysis is theentire table.



These functions take as an argument anynumeric data type or any nonnumeric data type that can be implicitly convertedto a numeric data type. The function returns the same data type as the numericdata type of the argument.


When you need a value from the first orlast row of a sorted group, but the needed value is not the sort key, the FIRSTand LAST functions eliminate the need for self-joins or views and enable betterperformance.


The aggregate_functionargument is any one of the MIN, MAX, SUM, AVG, COUNT, VARIANCE, or STDDEVfunctions. It operates on values from the rows thatrank either FIRST or LAST. If only one row ranks as FIRST or LAST, then theaggregate operates on a singleton (nonaggregate) set.


The KEEP keyword is for semantic clarity.It qualifies aggregate_function, indicating that only the FIRST or LAST valuesof aggregate_function will be returned.


DENSE_RANK FIRST or DENSE_RANK LASTindicates that Oracle Database will aggregate over only those rows with theminimum (FIRST) or the maximum (LAST) dense rank (also called olympic rank).

2.   说明

min(job_id) keep(dense_rank first order bycount(job_id) desc) over(partition by department_id)


min:例如某个部门,人数占用最多的工种有两个,例如某个部门A工种3人,B工种3人,这时用min返回的值就是A,相应的用max返回的值就是B。若你想用AVG这类函数,则会报错,invalid number。其实作用就是防止返回两个值,也不是网上说的,完全没有意义(max和min结果是不一样的)。




3.   示例

1.    示例1

select max(e.job_id) keep(dense_rank lastorder by count(job_id) desc),
      min(e.job_id) keep(dense_rank last order by count(job_id) desc),
      max(e.job_id) keep(dense_rank first order by count(job_id) desc),
      min(e.job_id) keep(dense_rank first order by count(job_id) desc)
 from employees e
 group by e.department_id, e.job_id;




2.    示例2

select distinct
      min(job_id) keep(dense_rank first order by count(job_id) desc)over(partition by department_id) job_id
 from employees
 group by department_id, job_id
 order by 1;



1              10           AD_ASST

2              20           MK_MAN

3              30           PU_CLERK

4              40           HR_REP

5              50           SH_CLERK

6              60           IT_PROG

7              70           PR_REP

8              80           SA_REP

9              90           AD_VP

10           100         FI_ACCOUNT

11           110         AC_ACCOUNT

12                           SA_REP


3.    几种写法比较

1.       method 1

with t as
 (select department_id, job_id, count(job_id)cnt
   from employees
  group by department_id, job_id)
select department_id, max(job_id)  --再次聚合
 from t
 where (department_id, cnt) in (selectdepartment_id, max(cnt) from t group by department_id)
 group by department_id
 order by 1;

1              10           AD_ASST

2              20           MK_REP

3              30           PU_CLERK

4              40           HR_REP

5              50           ST_CLERK

6              60           IT_PROG

7              70           PR_REP

8              80           SA_REP

9              90           AD_VP

10           100         FI_ACCOUNT

11           110         AC_MGR

总结:1. boss这个部门,即部门为空,没有返回;



2.       method 2

select department_id, job_id
 from (select e.department_id,
               row_number() over(partition bydepartment_id order by count(job_id) desc) rk
         from employees e
        group by e.department_id, e.job_id)
 where rk = 1;

1              10           AD_ASST

2              20           MK_MAN

3              30           PU_CLERK

4              40           HR_REP

5              50           ST_CLERK

6              60           IT_PROG

7              70           PR_REP

8              80           SA_REP

9              90           AD_VP

10           100         FI_ACCOUNT

11           110         AC_ACCOUNT

12                           SA_REP



3.       method 3

select /*distinct*/
      min(job_id) keep(dense_rank first order by count(job_id) desc)over(partition by department_id) job_id
 from employees
 group by department_id, job_id
 order by 1;

1              10           1              AD_ASST

2              20           1              MK_MAN

3              20           1              MK_MAN

4              30           5              PU_CLERK

5              30           1              PU_CLERK

6              40           1              HR_REP

7              50           20           SH_CLERK

8              50           20           SH_CLERK

9              50           5              SH_CLERK

10           60           5              IT_PROG

11           70           1              PR_REP

12           80           5              SA_REP

13           80           29           SA_REP

14           90           1              AD_VP

15           90           2              AD_VP

16           100         5              FI_ACCOUNT

17           100         1              FI_ACCOUNT

18           110         1              AC_ACCOUNT

19           110         1              AC_ACCOUNT

20                           1              SA_REP

这里按department_id, job_id分组,我们只关心department_id, job_id,SQL进行调整下


select distinct
      min(job_id) keep(dense_rank first order by count(job_id) desc)over(partition by department_id) job_id
 from employees
 group by department_id, job_id
 order by 1;

1              10           AD_ASST

2              20           MK_MAN

3              30           PU_CLERK

4              40           HR_REP

5              50           SH_CLERK

6              60           IT_PROG

7              70           PR_REP

8              80           SA_REP

9              90           AD_VP

10                 100         FI_ACCOUNT

11                 110         AC_ACCOUNT

12                           SA_REP



