英国伦敦学go语言,英国大学go local


三一口语(GESE)的全称为:英国伦敦三一学院英语口语等级考试(GESE-Graded Examinations in Speakers of Other Languages),它是经英国文化委员会提议,专门为非英语国家设计的纯英语口语等级考试体系。

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1. Hello! Good morning / Good afternoon!

2. How are you?

3. What’s your name?

4. How old are you?

5. What’s this/ that? (包括动物,脸部和身体部位,考场内的物品名称)

6. What color is it?

7. What are you wearing? What doyou wear in spring/summer/autumn/winter? (日常服装名称)


1. Hello! Good morning / Good afternoon!

2. How are you?

3. What’s your name?

4. How old are you?

5. What’s this/that? (家居物品)

6. Where is it? (各个房间的名称)

7. Do you have a pet? What does itlook like?

8. What day is it today? What’sthe date today?

9. What month is it now? Is itMarch now?

10. How many people are there inyour family? Who are they?

11. How many students are there in your class? Haveyou got any friend in your class? Who is he/she? What does he/she look like?


1. How are you doing?

2. Can you make a self-introduction?Introduce yourself.

3. What’s the weather like today? Was itrainy yesterday?

4. What’s your favorite weather? What’s yourfather/mother’s favorite weather?

5. What day is it today? What date is ittoday?

6. Where were you yesterday? What do you doafter school? On weekend?

7. What time is it? When do you usually getup? Have breakfast? Go to school?

8. Who usually takes you to school? How doyou go to school? How did you come here today?

9. Which school are you in? Can you tell mesomething about your school? Is it big?

10. How many students are there in your class? Howmany buildings are there in your school?

11. Tell me something about your family. How manypeople are there in your family?

12. What does your father do? What’s your mother’sjob? Where does he/she work?

13. What are you doing now? What’s your motherdoing now?

14. Can you tell me how to get to the bus-station?


1. What do you usually do on holiday?

2. Do you need to go to the training schoolon weekend?

3. Do you like travelling? Where did you golast winter holiday?

4. Tell me one of your most interesting trips.

5. Will you do shopping while you aretravelling?

6. Where do you prefer to go shopping,department store or supermarket?

7. What do you usually buy when you areshopping? How do you pay for the things you buy?

8. Where did you go last weekend? What didyou buy?

9. What does your father do? What’s yourmother’s job?

10. Whenand how does he/she go to work? Does he/she have enough time to goshopping/travelling?

11. Whatdo you want to be in the future? Why do you like this job?

12. What’syour hobby? What do you think of your hobbies?

13. What’syour favorite sport? What do you think of doing sports? How often do you dosports?

14. What’syour favorite food? Can you cook?

15. Whichdo you prefer, Chinese food or Western food?

16. What’syour favorite restaurant? How often do you go there?

17. Do youhave any activities on holiday? in spring/summer/autumn/winter?

18. Whatare you going to do this holiday? Do you have any plan?


1. Do you like music?

2. What kind of music do you like most?

3. Who is your favourite singer, and why?

4. Do you like watching TV?

5. What is your favourite TV program?

6. What was the lastest film you have seen?

7. Can you ride bike?

8. How do you go to school everyday?

9. What do you think about the traffic inBeijing?

10. Canyou predict the future traffic?

11. Whatdid you do last Spring Festival?

12. Whatwill you do next Christmas?

13. Whenis your birthday?

14. Howdid you celebrate your birthday last year?

15. Do youlike to celebrate with your friends?

16. Wheredo you prefer to celebrate your birthday?

17. Whatdo you do in your spare time?


1. Do youhave any rules at home?

2. Do youknow some traffic rules? How to obey these rules?

3. Howimportant are rules and regulations for you? Why?

4. Canyou tell me some rules in your school

5. Do youlike travelling?/ Do you often go travelling?

6. What'syour plan for travelling next time?

7. Tellme some places you have traveled to?Which one impressed you most?

8. Haveyou ever travelled abroad? What’s the difference between China and thatcountry?

9. Do youthink fashion needs a lot of money?

10. Shouldwe go after fashion or not?

11. Whatcolor do you never wear? Why?

12. Do youlike / enjoy studying English?

13. Goingabroad is a good way to learn a foreign language. What do you think about it?

14. Do youhave to spend lots of money on learning a foreign language?

15. Is money important?

16. Do you think children should have some pocket money?

17. How can you keep fit according to your own experience?

18. Do youhave any problems with your sleep?

19. Do you think that people always feel under pressure? Whatabout you?


1. Ifyou had another choice, would you prefer to spend your childhood in thecountryside?

2. What was yourchildhood like?

3. An unhappy / unforgettable / interestingthing

4. What can be recycled?

5. What can we do to reduce pollution?

6. What are the major forms of pollution?

7. When in Rome, do asthe Romans do, do you agree?

8. The differences between Chinese andWestern Customs

9. What do you think about theexamination?

10. Do youthink schoolchildren’s homework should be reduced?

11. Relationshipbetween teachers and students:

12. Nowthe college students have a hard time finding jobs, why do you still want to goto college?

13. Do youthink that schools play a more important role than family?

14. Describethe differences between city and countryside in different aspects

15. Howcan we improve our life in the city?

16. Whatare the advantages and disadvantages of living in the countryside?



当前时间 time.Now() 返回的是当地时区的时间:


time.Now() 返回的 +0800 CST 表示的就是中国标准时间,与UTC时间有如下的转化:

Wall Clocks表示挂钟时间,存储的是自1970 年 1 月 1 日 0 时 0 分 0 秒以来的时间戳,当系统和授时服务器进行校准时间时间操作时,有可能造成这一秒是2018-1-1 00:00:00,而下一秒变成了2017-12-31 23:59:59的情况。

Monotonic Clocks,意思是单调时间的,所谓单调,就是只会不停的往前增长,不受校时操作的影响,这个时间是自进程启动以来的秒数。

time.Now() 返回的 m=+0.004002201 就是表示Monotonic Clocks

go语言中如果不设置指定的时区,通过 time.Now() 获取到的就是本地时区






人教版英语教材go for it,是用国际音标么?

go for it 是 XMB 么?

据我所知 XMB 是用英语国际音标(比较新的版本)注音 磁带是美式读音的

标记2种音标 就是说习惯上这个单词有两种读音

习惯上不同的读音有时是表示英美不同音 ; 有时则为传统上就有两种比较通行的读法 不分英美

一般字典上英美不同音会采用 AmE 和 BrE 等字样加以区别的, 无此字样则表示为习惯上的不同读法

XMB 我只是看过几眼, 对其标注方式不是很清楚 你只要知道它是习惯上不同的读音, 两种都是正确的就行了


er 不卷舌的是英音

er 全部卷舌的就是美音

class glass grass 这三个词 a 发 [a:] 的是英音 发 [æ]音的是美音

本文标题:英国伦敦学go语言,英国大学go local